We are highly confident in our expertise across various supply chain and procurement sectors, where we excel in assisting our clients in finding the best talent.

A Gateway to Your Procurement & Supply Chain Dream Job

We understand the robust job market outlook for the supply chain, procurement, and logistics industry in Hong Kong.

As a major trading hub and gateway to China, Hong Kong presents a wealth of opportunities for professionals in this field. Our comprehensive supply chain and procurement solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses operating in Hong Kong’s dynamic market. We specialise in helping organisations optimise their operations and stay ahead of the competition.

Procurement & Supply Chain Jobs

物流文員 (第三方物流/ 3PL / Logistic, $16-17K)


  • 五天工作, 不需輪班
  • 機場
  • 歡迎應屆DSE畢業生


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[月薪$35k] 沙田食品凍倉- 倉務主管


  • 月薪$ 35,000
  • 入職親屬醫療福利,14個月糧
  • 需熟悉3PL倉庫管理系統,MS Office


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