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KOS 2024 Q2 Commercial Property Talent Development Event

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​KOS 2024 Q2 Commercial Property Talent Development EventRecently, KOS International Mainland China Property team hosted an engaging event with industry experts.During the event, Cherry Li, our Property Division Manager, kicked off the discussions on “breakthrough” strategies for the commercial property industry by delving into market trends. The conversations were dynamic and engaging, and we appreciate every participant’s sharing and valuable insights.By organizing this event, we aim to create a professional platform for exchanging industry insights, fostering collaboration within the industry, and building closer connections with our clients.At KOS International, we are client-centric, offering tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Our outstanding human resource services help companies become industry leaders while supporting individual talent growth.【KOS·淘金進行時】2024商業地產人才發展交流會精彩回顧春末夏初,萬物復甦,商業地產行業迎來了新的生機。在這個充滿活力的季節,KOS高奧士國際地產團隊攜手業內精英,舉辦了一場別開生面的行業交流會。活動中,KOS高奧士國際地產領域經理Cherry Li女士,以市場趨勢為切入點,與大家共同探討了商業地產的創新”破局”策略。現場討論激烈,氣氛活躍,感謝每一位來賓的熱情參與和分享。我們致力於搭建一個專業的交流平台,不但促進行業內部的交流合作,更期待與客戶建立更緊密的聯系,共同成長,共創價值。KOS高奧士國際始終以客戶為中心,提供度身訂造的解決方案,滿足客戶的需求。我們通過卓越的人力資源服務,助力中國企業成為行業先鋒,同時為人才的個人成長提供強大支持。