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HK Businesses Exploring Opportunities in the GBA

1 min read

​HK Businesses Exploring Opportunities in the GBAGoGBA Hong Kong Business Support Centre co-hosted a networking session for Hong Kong corporates to exchange market information and collaboration ideas in the Futian District. The event aimed to allow the businesses in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and Hong Kong to discover more business opportunities.Mr. Vegas Liu, Corporate Strategy and Development Manager of KOS joined the event and met industry professionals to explore cross regional cooperation opportunities. Let’s continue to cultivate partnerships and seize new business prospects in the GBA! ​​​港商於大灣區尋找機遇GoGBA港商服務站於福田區深港澳青年創業基地舉辦了一場港商聯介紹交流會。此活動旨在增加大灣區與香港之間的合作機會。KOS企業戰略與發展經理Vegas Liu於交流會中與不同行業的專業人士互相交流意見,尋找跨地區合作機遇。讓我們繼續建設更多合作夥伴關係,捉緊大灣區的發展機遇!