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The 2nd National Conference on the Development of Human Resources Services

1 min read

We are honored to have participated in the prestigious 2nd National Conference on the Development of Human Resources Services in Shenzhen. The event witnessed the presence of Ms. Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, Mr. Chris Sun, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms. May Chan, Commissioner for Labour and Mr. Anthony Lau, the Director of HKTE at the HKSAR exhibition area and sharing with guests.我們很榮幸參加了在深圳舉行的第二屆全國人力資源服務業發展大會。當日,人力資源和社會保障部部長王曉萍女士、勞工及福利局局長孫玉菡先生、勞工處處長陳穎韶女士及香港人才服務辦公室總監劉鎮漢先生亦一同出席活動並到訪香港特區參展區與在場人士交流。​Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS and Mr. Vegas Liu, Corporate Strategy & Development Manager of KOS had the privilege of sharing their insights on the dynamic employment market in Hong Kong and the growing demand for talent beyond its borders. Their sharing shed light on the evolving landscape of talent acquisition and management.KOS首席戰略官 Eric Ng和企業戰略與發展經理Vegas Liu 在會上發表了關於香港就業市場趨勢的見解,並分享企業對跨境人才的持續需求,為嘉賓帶來新的思維方向。​We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Hong Kong Talent Engage and Lawrence Hung, President of HKIHRM Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, for extending the invitation to KOS. It was an extraordinary event that allowed us to connect with industry leaders and exchange valuable knowledge and experiences.我們衷心感謝香港人才服務辦公室和香港人力資源管理學會主席孔于人先生的盛情邀請出席是次盛會,使我們有機會與業界領導者交流寶貴的經驗和知識。KOS remains committed to fostering collaboration and contributing to the growth of talent in Hong Kong.KOS將繼續致力為香港人才發展作出貢獻。​