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KOS x Encompass HK x World Kitchen Club

2 mins read

​​At KOS, we prioritize the relationship between our partners, and “People” always takes precedence in our business. That’s why we recently collaborated with Encompass HK and World Kitchen Club to host an event titled “How HR can shape & deliver the ESG agenda” at our office.在KOS,我們非常著重與合作夥伴的關係,並且「人」始終是我們業務中最重要的元素。因此,我們最近與Encompass HK和World Kitchen Club合作,於KOS辦公室舉辦了一個「人力資源如何塑造和實踐ESG議程」的活動。The event featured Ms. Benita Chick, Founder of Encompass HK, and Ms. Jenny Leung, Co-Founder of World Kitchen Club, as guest hosts. Together with all the attendees, they delved into various topics, including a) gaining a deeper understanding of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social and Governance(ESG) initiatives, b) underlying stereotypes that impact our perception of gender and societal norms, c) discussing the role of HR in implementing ESG practices within corporations, and exploring ways to foster a more sustainable and responsible business environment and d) action plans of how HR professionals can promote ESG within their workplaces and the impact on society.該活動由Encompass HK的創辦人Benita Chick女士和World Kitchen Club的聯合創辦人Jenny Leung女士擔任嘉賓主持,與所有參與者一起討論了不同的話題。包括1)深入了解可持續發展目標(SDGs)和ESG,2)剖析影響我們對性別和社會刻板印象的潛在成見,3)探討公司在將ESG實踐引入企業中的角色兼如何促進可持續發展的商業環境 及 4)在工作地點該如何推動ESG以及對社會產生的正面影響。We believe that the insights shared during the event brought new perspectives to our guests. Stay tuned for more exciting events in the future! 我們相信這次的分享為嘉賓們帶來了新的見解。請繼續關注我們的更多活動!Our HR team played a significant role in ensuring the success of this event.KOS人力資源團隊在是次活動中發揮了重要的作用,使活動成功舉辦!​