Hong Kong Talent Engage Office Opening Ceremony
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Mr. Eddie Chan and Mr. Jackson Chan, Founders and Executive Directors of KOS and Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS attended the opening ceremony of Hong Kong Talent Engage. It was a privilege to be among esteemed guests including Mr. Eric Chan, Chief Secretary for Administration, Ms. Regina Ip, Non-official Members of the Executive Council, Mr. Chris Sun, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms. Angelina Kwan, Deputy Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Manpower), Mr. Anthony Lau, Director of Hong Kong Talent Engage, , Mr. Lawrence Hung, President of HKIHRM and Ms. Jenny Chiu, Executive Director of New World Development Company Limited.香港人才服務辦公室開幕典禮當天邀請到政務司司長陳國基先生、行政會議非官守議員召集人葉劉淑儀、勞工及福利局局長孫玉菡先生、勞工及福利局副秘書長 (人力) 關婉儀女士、香港人才服務辦公室總監劉鎮漢先生、香港人力資源管理學會會長孔于人先生及新世界發展有限公司執行董事趙慧嫻女士出席。We had insightful discussions with the guests present, focusing on empowering talents in Hong Kong and attracting and retaining talents beyond the borders. As a designated partner, KOS is committed to providing professional services that facilitate talent engagement. We firmly believe that this collaboration with Hong Kong Talent Engage will not only widen the talent pool for Hong Kong but also create new opportunities for talents to thrive in Hong Kong.KOS 創始人及執行董事陳家安先生及陳家成先生,首席戰略官吳國傑先生均獲邀出席,他們與其他嘉賓交流意見,重點關注如何推動香港的人才發展及如何吸引和留住境外人才。作為指定合作夥伴,KOS致力於提供專業服務,促進人才展其所長。我們堅信,與「香港人才服務窗口」的合作不僅會擴大香港的人才庫,更將為人才在香港創造新的機會,讓他們有更好的發展。We look forward to continued collaboration and contributing to the growth of talent in Hong Kong.我們期待著繼續合作,為香港的人才培育作出貢獻。
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