SportsHour Company
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KOS is delighted to be a supporting partner at the prestigious ceremony organized by IHKSports – “Back in the Game: On Hong Kong’s Dynamic Zeal and Unfailing Spirit” It kicked off with warm welcome remarks from Mr.William Fong, Chairperson of the Board at IHKSports and Ms.Alison Chan, Chief Operating Officer ofChow Tai Fook Enterprises (CTFE). The keynote was delivered by the Guest of Honour, Mr. @Lester Huang Lester Huang, SBS, JP, Steward ofThe Hong Kong Jockey Club. 我們非常高興能成為由凝動舉辦的研討會《重返賽場:論香港動感之都和永不言敗的精神》 暨 《企業「一」起動》嘉許典禮 2023-25 的支持夥伴之一! 該活動由凝動董事會主席Willian Fong和周大福企業首席營運總監Alison Chan致歡迎辭,並由香港賽馬會董事Lester Huang,SBS,JP擔任主禮嘉賓兼發表了主題演講!KOS was honored to have been recognized as one of the companies in the《SportsHour Company Scheme 2023 – 25》. Ms.Rebecca Chanand Mr.Calvin Lam, Managing Director ofKOS China, proudly represented KOS and our commitment to the spirit of sportsmanship. KOS深感榮幸獲嘉許為《企業「一」起動 2023 – 25》得獎企業之一,而Rebecca和KOS中國董事總經理Calvin Lam則代表本公司領獎 . This ceremony served as a platform for thought-provoking discussions, and Rebecca had the privilege of being a guest speaker at the Symposium. Alongside notable figures includingAlison Chanand Ms.Mei Mei Ng 吳薇薇, General Manager of LinkedIn Hong Kong Limited and Ms.Judy Kong, Chief Executive of IHKSports, they shared valuable insights on how Hong Kong can be “Back in the Game” and the profound impact of sports on society.Rebecca 更成為研討會嘉賓之一, 並與Alison、LinkedIn(香港)有限公司總經理Mei Mei Ng和凝動總幹事Judy Kong在台上一起分享了有關香港如何「重返賽場」以及體育運動對社會的深遠影響。
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