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As a company’s management, it’s crucial to understand how future technological development will affect the management of a business. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has hence held “The Future of Technology and ​Leadership” luncheon at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, inviting management of listed companies, including Jackson Chan, Founder and Executive Director of KOS, and Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS, to exchange latest market intelligence. ​​The luncheon invited Donald Choi, CEO of Chinachem Group, Benedict Cheng, CRO & Group Data Protection Officer of PCCW and HKT, Dr. James Zhang, CIO of Great Eagle Holdings Limited, Carman Chan, Founder and Managing Partner of Click Ventures and Gregor Hohpe, Director of Enterprise Strategy at Amazon Web Services (AWS) to be the Panel Speakers to share their insights with the participates.​​​​作為公司管理層,未來的科技發展究竟如何影響企業運作及管理,這可是值得探討的議題。有見及此,Amazon Web Services (AWS) 早前於香港會議展覽中心舉辦了「The Future of Technology and Leadership」午宴,並邀請了各上市公司管理層, KOS 創始人及執行董事 Jackson Chan 和 KOS 首席戰略官 Eric Ng 亦於該午宴中與各界相互交流。 ​​此午宴由華懋集團CEO Donald Choi、電訊盈科及香港電訊CRO及數據保護官Benedict Cheng、鷹君集團有限公司CIO Dr. James Zhang 、Click Ventures 始創人及經營合伙人Carman Chan 及Amazon Web Services (AWS)企業戰略總監 Gregor Hohpe 擔任研討會分享嘉賓,令座上賓客都獲益良多。​​​