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KOS x The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

1 min read

​Young talents are extremely important to our society and universities are the places where these talents are cultivated. KOS Founders and Executive Directors, Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, were invited by the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) to visit its campus and facilities. During the visit, Eddie and Jackson discussed potential cooperation with representatives of HSUHK. We look forward to sharing some good news with you in the near future!年青人是社會重要的資源,而大學則是培養人才的地方。KOS創始人及執行董事Eddie Chan及Jackson Chan獲香港恒生大學(恒大)邀請參觀其校舍及設施,其間更與恒大代表商討合作事宜,期待於不久的將來會有好消息跟大家分享!We would like to express our gratitude to the representatives of HSUHK for arranging the visit: Dr Man Wing Yan, Thomas, Associate Dean (Enterprise and Business Engagement) of School of Business , Dr. Fong Wing Ho, Tom, Vice-President (Organisational Development), Elisa Chan, Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs, and Chan Siu Ying, Alice, Senior Manager (Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office).非常感謝恒大代表:商學院副院長 (企業及商界聯繫) 萬穎恩博士、副校長 (機構發展) 方永豪博士、發展及校友事務總監陳雯慧及高級經理(發展及校友事務處) 陳少英安排是次活動!