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KOS 2023 HKBU Careers Fair

1 min read

​What’s the difference between applying for a job vacancy through a recruitment company and submitting an application directly? Recruitment company plays an important role in the pre-interview preparation/post-interview follow-up, providing professional advice to job seekers and helping them secure the best job opportunities. However, university students and fresh graduates may not have a thorough understanding of the business of recruitment companies. In view of this, KOS Head of People and Culture, Winnie Tam and Administrative Officer, Christy Chung set up a booth at Hong Kong Baptist University to introduce KOS business and share the recruitment details on the spot with students to enhance their understanding of the industry. We welcome interested students to join us and become one of our KOS family.透過獵頭公司求職和直接向公司提交申請表,當中有甚麼分別?獵頭公司於面試的前期準備/面試後的各種跟進都擔當一個重要角色,為求職者提供專業意見,助其獲得最佳的工作機會。但尚未踏入職場的大學生未必對獵頭公司的業務有全面理解,有見及此,KOS 人才及文化總監 Winnie Tam 及 行政助理 Christy Chung 早前到浸會大學設置攤位,為同學們介紹 KOS 業務並即場分享公司招聘詳情,加深他們對行業的了解,並歡迎有興趣的同學們加入 KOS,成為我們的一份子。​