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City University of Hong Kong – Employers’ Luncheon

1 min read

CityUEmployers’ Luncheon is back after 3 years and was once again a huge success. The luncheon provided an opportunity for corporate elites and CityU faculty staff and students to network and exchange latest market information. KOS Founders and Executive Directors, Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan were also invited to attend the luncheon. They shared the latest job market environment as the management of a listed recruitment company, and also provided advice on how students should plan their short-term and long-term careers.事隔3年,城大顧主午宴載譽歸來,再一次舉辦成功。午宴為企業精英及城大師生提供了一個互相認識及交流的機會。KOS 創始人及執行董事 Eddie Chan 及 Jackson Chan 亦獲邀出席,他們以上市獵頭公司管理層身份分享了最新的就業市場環境,亦就同學們可如何規劃其短期及長遠的職業生涯及擬定相關的時間表提供了建議。​