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AB Magazine Interview – Talent seeker

1 min read

​Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS, mentioned in the interview of AB Magazine “Talent Seeker” that as a professional accountant, in addition to providing advice to the company in his own profession, it is important to interpret the messages behind financial figures to support and enhance the development of the company. As the management of KOS, Eric keeps abreast of the industry and believes that the source of learning should not be limited only to books, but also from working experiences.KOS 首席戰略官Eric Ng 於AB Magazine “Talent Seeker” 的訪問中提及作為專業會計師,除了於自己的專業範疇內為公司提供建議外,更重要的是為數字賦予意義,令企業的發展更順利。Eric 作為KOS管理層,他深信學習不應只限於書本,更多的是源自日常工作和行業知識。KOS focuses on providing professional services and maintaining long-term partnerships with clients and job seekers, and is committed to solving their recruitment and job-hunting problems. Eric pointed out that only when all employees play their respective roles and put themselves in clients’ shoes, can a successful enterprise be achieved. Furthermore, KOS holds frequent training programs to equip employees with relevant skills to provide the best services for clients.KOS 著重於提供專業服務並與客戶及求職人士維持長久的合作伙伴關係,致力為其解決招聘和求職上的問題。Eric 指出只有全體員工各司其職,為客戶想多一步,方可成就一間成功企業。而KOS亦有恒常培訓計劃,務求令員工於工作上更得心應手,繼而與客戶維持良好關係並達而雙贏。​