HSUHK Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2022
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What is the key to be a successful entrepreneur – diligence, ambition, vision, resilience or empathy? The answer is all of the above. The Hang Seng University in Hong Kong held the Young Entrepreneur Awards Ceremony 2022 last Tuesday. Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, Founders and Executive Directors of KOS, won the entrepreneur award. They believe that “No Dream is too Big, No Dreamer is too Small” and founded KOS at the age of 26. In the process of growing the company, they overcame challenges and adversity and successfully grasped the opportunity to get KOS listed on the HKEX GEM Board. Their perseverance and belief are the main reasons for their success. Eddie and Jackson regard employees as family members and create a relaxed and harmonious working environment for them. Employees would thus have a greater sense of belonging and would be willing to walk the path of success together with the company.創業成功需要具備的究竟是勤奮、野心、遠見、抗壓能力或是同理心?答案為以上皆是。上週二香港恒生大學舉辦了青年企業家頒獎典禮2022,KOS創始人及執行董事Eddie Chan及Jackson Chan於典禮上獲獎,他們本著「夢想再大也不嫌大,追夢者再小也不嫌小」的精神,成功於26歲時創辦了KOS。過程中即使面對逆境亦不退縮,更成功轉危為機,最終令KOS成功於創業板上市,乃為他們毅力及信念的成果。Eddie 及 Jackson更視員工為家人及朋友,為他們打造一個輕鬆和諧的工作環境,令員工更有歸屬感,一起走得更遠。Dr Michael Chan also shared his entrepreneurial journey as a guest speaker and described how he had gone through the Ups and Downs to achieve today’s success, which benefited the attendees a lot.此外,客席講師陳裕光博士 Dr. Michael Chan於頒獎典禮中分享了其創業之路,輕描淡寫地道出當日如何走過高山低谷才達至今天的成功,令聽眾們獲益良多。
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