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KOS Sharing Series: Pursuing Post-retirement Employment with a Youthful Impulse and can-do Attitude – Alex Chuang, Experienced HR Consultant

4 mins read

Competition for talent is fierce in Hong Kong as human resources agencies scramble to hire young talents so as to inject vigour and creativity into the workplace.  While KOS—a rapidly-growing recruitment consultancy—was founded and led by a young management team, they believe that sharing the same vision is more important than age.  In fact, one of the most experienced and energetic among the team is Alex Chuang, Senior Director of KOS Executive (KOSE), who is 67 years old.  Alex, a former headhunter, joined KOS after a brief period of retirement.  He was then determined to assist the founders in exploring the recruitment market for managerial talents and offering insights into career development.   


Returning to the Workplace and Enjoying a Busy Lifestyle

Some people discover the meaning of life at work, and find it hard to walk away from a successful career.  In 2007, Alex chose to retire after working for a leading international staffing provider for nearly three decades.  After briefly coming out of retirement to work with two other agencies, he decided to enjoy long-term retirement in 2013.

Since his retirement, Alex spends a lot of time with his daughter, who is currently studying in the UK.  In a casual occasion, Alex met with the young management team at KOS.  They exchanged views on work and life, and found that they immediately clicked. With his youthful spirit and vision, Alex became the perfect partner for KOS, and after deliberate consideration, he decided to accept the invitation and return to the workplace.


Impressed by the People-oriented Culture and Team Spirit

The biggest incentive for Alex to postpone his retirement is the freedom promised by the management of KOS.  The company’s target-oriented approach and streamlined workflow means that Alex can work in a more creative and dynamic environment.  “I really love the corporate culture here,” noted Alex soon after he reported for duty.  Having spent decades working with multinational organisations that were often quite restrictive, Alex was pleasantly surprised by the relaxed work culture and people management policy of KOS.  From annual incentive trips to regular staff activities, KOS always treats its people as family and cares about their well-being.  The company also encourages employees to put family first and allows them to put aside their work when necessary, manifesting mutual trust between team members.


Fuelling Business Expansion with an Extensive Social Network and Experience

KOS offers Alex a relaxed work environment where he can make the most of his experience and networks.  The many talents he helped have reached top-level management and have maintained a close relationship with Alex, becoming his most valuable assets.  Shortly after joining KOS, Alex met a client who was urgently looking for a managing director.  Despite some difficulties in identifying the right candidate, he managed to find the best person swiftly, using his extensive network and solid experience. Today, Alex works closely with KOS to establish KOSE in the recruitment industry.  Leveraging his personal network, he always manages to find the most talented candidates directly or indirectly to meet the needs of KOS and his clients.


Staying Young at Heart and Capturing Every Opportunity          

Does he plan on retiring again?  Alex claims that he will never stop working.  If he returns to the workplace, Alex would like tasks to be challenging and rewarding.  Alex keeps a youthful mindset and pursues excellence in everything he does.  He also stays energetic by working closely with his young colleagues.  Alex now has a clear and ambitious goal to drive the growth of KOS.  Building on what he has accomplished with KOS over the past four years, Alex is determined to make best use of his valuable experience in China’s recruitment market to help establish KOS China.  He also strives towards empowering KOS to capture the immense opportunities that are currently emerging in the Greater Bay Area.