KOS Founders Dinner

​Since 2019, KOS has held the Founders’ Dinner, a special tradition dedicated to celebrating the outstanding achievements of our top performers. Last night, we gathered to continue this tradition, recognising the dedication and hard work that drive our success.At KOS, we are committed to cultivating a workplace where every individual feels valued and supported. Our…

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Renowned Professor Andrew Chan at the KOS office

​We were honored to have renowned Professor Andrew Chan at the KOS office. By leveraging his vast industry experience and forward-thinking approach, he provided strategic guidance on core business value and key success factors for cross-regional collaboration—insights that will be instrumental in driving KOS’s continued growth.His thought-provoking perspectives left a lasting impression and have further…

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KOS Solutions – Mastering Your Interviewing Skills in the War for Talent

Eric hosted a 2-day training program on “Mastering Your Interviewing Skills in the War for Talent” for over 60 managerial levels from a non-profit organization. As an experienced interviewer, he led discussions, customized case studies, role-plays, and real-life case sharing to enrich the participants’ understanding of effective interviewing techniques.During the workshop, we explored the importance…

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KOS in HZMB conference

The opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB) has not only brought convenience to citizens, but also built an economic bridge connecting the three cities. The People’s Government of Zhuhai recently held an investment promotion conference at the Asia-Pacific Exhibition Center to showcase the new economic and trade corridor, inviting Vegas Liu, the Corporate Strategy…

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Discovering Talent that Embodies Your Company’s Values

Recently, KOS and CAL Talent Solutions jointly hosted an offline event in Guangzhou themed “Discovering Talent that Embodies Your Company’s Values for Mutual Success” CAL’s organisational psychologists, Ms. Sarach Chan and Ms. Karyn Law, along with HR industry experts, explored the core role of VALUES in talent recruitment.The Importance of ValuesExceptional talent requires ability, drive…

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Media interview – Vegas Liu

​Media interview – Vegas LiuMr. Vegas Liu, Corporate Strategy & Development Manager at KOS, was recently invited by a foreign media to share his valuable tips and perspectives on the benefits and opportunities available through the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) . His firsthand experience and informed opinions shed light on why he chose to…

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KOS Solutions – Seminar on Talent Acquisition Approach and Skills

​KOS Solutions – Seminar on Talent Acquisition Approach and SkillsMr.Eric Ng, the Chief Strategy Officer at KOS, recently hosted a training seminar titled “Mastering Your Hiring Approach in the War of Talent” for over 100 managers of a public organization. The session covered a range of professional insights and strategies, including:- Overview of hiring trends and…

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​KOS創辦人兼執行董事Eddie Chan及Jackson Chan,以及首席戰略官Eric Ng 獲邀出席由香港總商會主辦的「中國委員會交流酒會」 。這是一個寶貴的機會,讓我們與商會領導、中港兩地的官員及內地20多個省市的代表會面並分享最新的人才市場趨勢。建立強大的夥伴關係一直是KOS的重心。這次的邀請讓我們能與不同畀別代表交流知識、探索機遇,攜手共同進步。KOS’s Founders and Executive Directors, Mr. Eddie Chan and Mr. Jackson Chan, together with Chief Strategy Officer, Mr. Eric Ng, were invited to the “China Committee Cocktail Reception” hosted by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) China Committee.This was a valuable opportunity to connect with senior leaders from…

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Visit from Shenzhen Center for International Exchange of Personnel to KOS

​深圳國際人才交流中心來訪KOS 近日,深圳國際人才交流中心(SCIEP)的代表團,在李海先生的帶領下,訪問了KOS高奧士國際公司。SCIEP作為科技部、深圳市政府指導下的國際人才智力交流合作專門機構,自2017年成立以來,一直秉承著市場化、國際化、信息化、社會化的目標,致力於匯聚全球頂尖智力資源,促進國際人才的交流與合作。在會面中,雙方詳細介紹了自己的業務範疇。KOS團隊展示了自身在國際人才交流方面已有的成績,以及我們如何通過創新的合作模式、專業的人力資源服務體系,為人才提供更廣闊的發展平台。在與國際人才交流中心團隊的深入討論中,我們共同探索了未來合作的多種可能性。我們希望未來攜手合作,致力於創造更多機會,為人才開拓更廣闊的發展空間。通過這次會面,我們不僅加深了對彼此的了解,也為未來的合作可能打下了堅實的基礎。我們相信,推進國際人才交流,對促進區域人力資源發展至關重要。SCIEP和KOS都致力於成為國際人才交流的橋樑。希望透過我們的努力,能夠讓更多優秀的人才找到屬於自己的舞台。Visit from Shenzhen Center for International Exchange of Personnel to KOS Recently, Mr. Li Hai, Director of the Shenzhen Center for International Exchange of Personnel (SCIEP), visited KOS International’s Shenzhen office.Since its establishment in 2017, SCIEP has been guided by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Shenzhen Municipal Government. As a specialised…

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