KOS 2023 CUHK Careers Fair

​KOS Head of People and Culture, Winnie Tam and Administrative Officer, Christy Chung have set up a booth for KOS earlier in CUHK, introducing KOS business to the students and sharing KOS recruitment details on the spot. On that day, many students took the initiative to visit the booth to learn more about us. We…

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Wall Drawing Round 2 @KOS Office

​Great news! We have got another wall drawing up in KOS office! As all KOSers found the last wall drawing very fascinating, Bosses have invited JasonTommy again to paint the wall in our Conference Room (fully coloured with even more details)! This has made our Conference Room the absolute best choice for meeting with clients!…

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KOS Christmas Party 2022

​We held a Christmas Party with the theme of Movie Night at Grand Haytt , and invited Marco, host of Good Morning King to be our MC ! Apart from drinks and tasty food, we also had wonderful songs performed by our talented KOSers, everyone had a great time .我哋君悅酒店搞咗個以Movie Night為主題嘅Christmas Party,仲邀請到早霸王主持Marco做MC,帶動起全場氣氛。 當日除咗有酒飲有嘢食,仲有K唱!同事們都盡情慶祝同埋超級Enjoy。KOSers’ costumes were…

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HSUHK Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2022

​What is the key to be a successful entrepreneur – diligence, ambition, vision, resilience or empathy? The answer is all of the above. The Hang Seng University in Hong Kong held the Young Entrepreneur Awards Ceremony 2022 last Tuesday. Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, Founders and Executive Directors of KOS, won the entrepreneur award. They…

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KOSers Birthday Party

​Great food and funny games are the essentials of a cool Party! The monthly KOSers birthday celebration has been another big success. Everyone had a good time and continue to WORK HARD PLAY HARD!有嘢食有Game 玩先係Party,每月一次嘅KOSers 慶生活動又一次大成功 ,嗰日大家都玩得好開心,繼續 WORK HARD PLAY HARD!

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Love Our Life – LOL Party @ West Kowloon Cultural District

​Say “NO” to Drugs is not only a slogan. Hong Kong Youth Development Alliance (YDAHK) sponsored the “Love Our Life – LOL Party” held by the Leadership Institute on Narcotics (L.I.O.N.) in the West Kowloon Cultural District for 2 days. Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, Founders and Executive Directors of KOS, attended this meaningful event…

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KOS internal training – new KOSers

​In order to help new KOSers gain a deeper understanding of the recruitment process of the headhunting industry, Louisa Yeung, CEO of KOS, regularly provides training for new KOSers, which includes not only the introduction of standard procedures, but also the communication skills and mentality. KOSers always strive to provide the best professional services to…

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CUHK MBA x KOS Industry & Market Insight Talk

​Having a master’s degree in the workplace is certainly an advantage but graduates still need to equip the right mind and thinking in order to advance smoothly in their career. In view of this, Kate Lam, Associate Director, Career Management and Alumni Engagement (MBA Programmes) Chinese University Business School, held a talk for prospective master…

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WEMP Foundation Gala

​Family atmosphere and education will directly affect children’s mental development. WEMP Foundation is committed to promoting activities related to children’s mental health, so as to enhance family harmony and create a healthy environment for children’s growth. KOS very much agrees with WEMP Foundation and Jackson Chan, Co-Founder and Executive Director of KOS, attended the WEMP…

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