HKICPA – Young Members Virtual Conference

Accountants are facing many challenges in the workplace – how can they turn challenges into opportunities? KOS Manager Alec Yeung attended the Young Members Virtual Conference hosted by HKICPA as guest speaker and shared his views as a recruitment consultant and professional accountant. Alec recommended attendees should first acquire the CPA qualification and get a…

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HKIHRM Annual Conference & Exhibition 2022

What will be the future of human resources management? Rebecca Chan, Managing Director of KOS, shared her views at the conference that traditional management methods will soon be phased out and replaced by a new norm where employee voices are to be heard and taken seriously. This will create a good working atmosphere and provide…

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Talent Market Outlook in GBA – Online Webinar

The Greater Bay Area has developed rapidly in recent years and has cultivated many talents. To attract these talents, employers must first understand their work culture and career vision. Mr. Jackson Chan, Founder and Executive Director of KOS, has attended the sharing session and exchanged professional views on the topic with Mr. Calvin Lam, Managing…

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Panel Speaker at ACCA HK Annual Conference

What are the roles of accountants and financial professionals in the business world nowadays? Apart from enhancing the efficiency of accounting tasks, will technology also accelerate the transformation of finance function?會計師和金融專業人士在當今商業世界扮演著什麼角色? 除了提高會計工作的效率,科技會否亦正在加速財務職能的轉型步伐?  Chief Strategy Officer of KOS, Eric Ng, has attended the ACCA HK Annual Conference 2022 as Panel Speaker cum Moderator and shared his…

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KOS China 顾问 Eason Zhang 和 Ring Huang 被邀请作为澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA Australia)线上研讨会的演讲嘉宾

上一周,KOS China 顾问 Eason Zhang 和 Ring Huang 被邀请作为澳大利亚注册会计师协会(CPA Australia)线上研讨会的演讲嘉宾,为其协会在悉尼、香港、深圳和广州的近300名会员进行了主题为“后疫情时代——大湾区人才招聘的挑战与机遇”的主题演讲。主题内容在会员们之间产生了积极的反响,为了能够与更多会员进行深入的互动,并分享他们的专业见解和市场动态信息,我们创建了会后讨论微信群供大家交流、讨论。         请关注我们的微信公众号,了解未来更多精彩活动!    

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