KOS x CUHK Internship

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but we bid farewell to two incredible individuals who have completed their 7-month internship with KOS through the Co-op@CUHK Program. Derry Lau and Michelle Li, your hard work and dedication have truly made a difference in our team.We want to express our heartfelt thanks for the fresh ideas and…

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KOS China – HR, IT and Digital Specialisation Sharing


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KOS x “Demand of Talents in the Greater Bay Area” Seminar

KOS International Limited participated in a seminar “Development of Greater Bay Area and Comprehensive Talent Cultivation” together with Futian District Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Bureau(福田區台港澳事務局) and Shenzhen Institute of Certified Public Accountants (深圳市註冊會計師協會).The economic development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) has driven up the demand for international talents, especially in Shenzhen and…

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Professional Sharing – Andy Zhang, Associate Director of KOS China

​“中國新能源企業出海是這一年的熱門話題。KOS在過去的時間里,也深耕新能源出海領域——尤其是歐洲、中東及美國市場,成功為新能源出海企業招聘到本土人才。從細分領域來看,隨著儲能賽道的持續升溫,中國儲能企業也紛紛出海,在海外高歌猛進。但是,因為外部政治經濟環境的變化,供需關系的不平衡,不少企業在海外本土拓展的過程中遇見了瓶頸此時,能招聘到熟悉本土規則的本地人才對企業來說至關重要——尤其是銷售及合規方面的工作。“對的人”可以幫企業解決更多本土化挑戰,帶來更多的機遇。然而,我們接觸到的北美候選人卻提到,很多中國企業設備解決方案價格相對較低是因為提供給人才的薪酬並不合理。這樣的論調,在我們接觸的海外候選人中並不少見,也讓中國企業出海人才招攬面臨挑戰。”——KOS China 副總監 Andy Zhang​中國企業出海人才的本地化還有很長的路要走,但KOS可以伴你一路同行。如有新能源/工業制造領域招聘需求,歡迎聯絡Andy。聯絡電話:+86 15920336273微信賬號:talkandy2012電郵地址:andy.zhang@kos-intl.com

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KOS x Mainland China Job Fair

KOS is delighted to announce its successful participation in not one, but two prestigious Job Fairs in Shenzhen and Guangzhou!KOS參與了於深圳舉辦的「粤港澳大灣區人才專場招聘會」及於廣州中舉辦的「香港企業大灣區高校人才招聘會」的招聘活動!We are proud to share that Ms. Winnie Tam, Head of People and Culture, Mr. Vegas Liu, Corporate Strategy and Development Manager of KOS and Ms. Stephanie Qui, HR Manager, and Ms. Lily Zhang, Admin of…

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KOSSG ACCA Virtual Job Fair

​KOS Singapore at the Virtual Job Fair hosted byACCA Careers!We are thrilled to share that KOS Singapore has been invited by Ms.Lyesin Wong, Business Development Manager ofACCASingapore, to participate in this prestigious event. It’s an incredible opportunity for both Clients and Candidates from Southeast Asia to discover more about our top-notch professional recruitment services. Let’s…

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KOS Internal Sharing

KOS has always believed that “Sharing” is one of the key factors for company’s growth. Bryan Leung, Kobe Lo, Martin Tsang, and Sharon Tsu has shared their insights and experiences with KOSers in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. Despite coming from different teams, the shared content can be summarised into the following key points :…

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The WEMP Annual Charity Gala

​WEMP Foundation (WEMP) held an Annual Charity Gala at Grand Hyatt , the event kick-off by the welcome remarks from Mr. John KC Lee, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, Chief Executive of the HKSAR and Dr. Adrian Cheng Chi-Kong, SBS, JP, Founder, The WEMP Foundation.The evening includes a cocktail reception and charity auction. All funds raised…

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KOS x Encompass HK x World Kitchen Club

​​At KOS, we prioritize the relationship between our partners, and “People” always takes precedence in our business. That’s why we recently collaborated with Encompass HK and World Kitchen Club to host an event titled “How HR can shape & deliver the ESG agenda” at our office.在KOS,我們非常著重與合作夥伴的關係,並且「人」始終是我們業務中最重要的元素。因此,我們最近與Encompass HK和World Kitchen Club合作,於KOS辦公室舉辦了一個「人力資源如何塑造和實踐ESG議程」的活動。The event featured Ms. Benita Chick, Founder…

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