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1 on 1 Career Consultation for HKBU

1 min read

​Winnie Tam, Head of People and Culture of KOS, provided 1 on 1 Career Consultation for students from Hong Kong Baptist University, clarifying their respective strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, Winnie provided professional advice on their resume as well as what should be noticed and improved during the interview – such that the students can prepare well for their careers after graduation.KOS 人才及文化總監 Winnie Tam 為香港浸會大學同學們提供了單對單的職業諮詢,為同學們釐清了他們各自的強弱項。Winnie更為每位同學的履歷表提供專業意見,以及面試時應注意及改善的地方,期望同學們能好好預備畢業後的職業生涯。