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2nd Leadership Institute on Narcotics Kick-off Mainland China Tour

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​​​KOS Founders and Executive Directors, Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, are devoted to promoting the Anti-Drug program. In addition to serving as the mentors in Leadership Institute on Narcotics (L.I.O.N.) for two consecutive years, they also participated in a two-day Shenzhen study tour in the Greater Bay Area with the students of L.I.O.N. to visit anti-drug authorities and high-tech enterprises in the Mainland China. The students had a good opportunity to understand the anti-drug strategy and national development in the Mainland China. In addition, this year’s graduating awardees also have the chance to participate in overseas exchanges to understand the impact of drugs on various countries and broaden their horizons.KOS創始人及執行董事 Eddie Chan 和 Jackson Chan 為宣傳禁毒計劃不遺餘力,除了連續兩屆擔任學院導師之外,早前更與禁毒領袖學院(L.I.O.N.)學員到大灣區參與兩日一夜深圳考察團,探訪內地禁毒機關及高科技企業,以了解國內抗毒策略及國家發展。另外,今屆畢業得獎學員亦有機會參加海外交流,認識毒品對各國造成的影響,擴闊視野。Young people are the future pillars of the society. The 1st L.I.O.N. has nurtured 100 young anti-drug leaders, and delivered the message of “Drugs? Never!” to around 13,000 students and over 4,000 members of the public. Students from the 2nd L.I.O.N. students will go out of the campus to promote anti-drug messages in the community and let more people understand the scourge of drugs.青少年是社會未來的棟樑,第一屆禁毒領袖學院已培育100名青年禁毒領袖,並向約1.3萬名學生及超過4,000名公眾人士傳遞「毒品?咪制!」的信息。第二屆禁毒領袖學院學員更會走出校園,到社區推廣抗毒訊息,向更多人宣傳毒品的禍害。​