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ACCA Hong Kong Top Achievers Awards Presentation 2022

1 min read

The diversity of an accountant’s profession is all about mentality. KOS Chief Strategy Officer Eric Ng attended the ACCA Hong Kong Top Achievers Awards Presentation 2022 as guest speaker and shared his own experience. As the management of a human resources listed company and a professional accountant, Eric shared with ACCA members how to become an all-rounded accountant. In addition to fully understanding the company’s business model and long-term development blueprint, accountants should also equip themselves well to meet challenges. Eric also mentioned that accountants should not set self boundaries. The mentality of dealing with challenges from a macro perspective is very important for both business and personal development.​​會計師這專業的多樣性全取決於心態。KOS首席戰略官 Eric Ng 以演講嘉賓的身份出席了 ACCA Hong Kong Top Achievers Awards Presentation 2022,並分享了他的自身經歷。作為人力資源上市公司的管理層和專業會計師,Eric 與ACCA的會員分享如何成為一名全面的會計師,除充份了解公司的營運模式和長遠發展藍圖外,亦需時刻裝備自己迎接挑戰。Eric 更提及會計師不可固步自封,以宏觀角度處事的心態非常重要,亦是個人發展必備的條件。