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ACCA x CUHK MAcc Networking Event

1 min read

​​Mr. Alec Yeung, Senior Manager of KOS International Limited, joined the “ACCA x CUHK MAcc Networking Event” for CUHK Master degree of Accounting Students as guest speaker. Alec shared invaluable insights on various topics, including:- 2024 Forecast of Accounting Industry: Gain a sneak peek into the future trends and developments shaping the accounting landscape.- Unlock expert insights and strategies to propel your career to new heights. Alec provided personalized guidance to help each student create a roadmap for their unique career aspirations with long, medium and short term plans.KOS 高級經理Alec Yeung以演講嘉賓身份出席了「ACCA x CUHK MAcc Networking Event」,為中文大學會計碩士學生帶來了不同範疇的意見。內容包括:- 預測 2024年會計行業的未來趨勢和發展- 掌握專家見解和策略可助同學們更完善規劃個人發展Alec更為個別學生提供建議,希望他們可以預先為自己的職業發展擬定長中短期計劃。