CPA Congress by HKICPA
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To build a strong enterprise, other than technological development, acquiring and retaining talent would be crucial.CPA Congress – “Creating a Pathway to Advancement: Empowering Enterprise for the Future” was held by Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) to celebrate their 50th anniversary. This highly anticipated event has attracted over 700 participants to join via either online or onsite attendance. Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, Mr. Shu Huihao, Director General of the Accounting Regulatory Department of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, and Ms. Asmâa Resmouki, President of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) graced the event as Guests of Honour and delivered opening remarks. The three Guests of Honour joined Ms. Loretta Fong, President of the HKICPA, in officiating the opening of the Congress. The panel discussion “Diversity and Inclusion: Creating a Corporate Culture of Belonging and Empowerment,” was moderated by Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS, with five panelists including Ms. Winnie Lai, People and Organization Director, Head of Area South, Greater China, of DB Schenker, Ms. Melissa Lau, Director and Hong Kong Lead of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of Robert Half, Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Social Venture Hong Kong, Ms. Jannie Tam, Founder and Senior Director of GROWDynamics Talent Development, and Ms. Christine Tsang, Board Vice-Chair of The Women’s Foundation. The panel provided inspiring discussions exploring the changing landscape of the workplace and the importance of building a strong organizational culture to attract, develop, and retain top talent.企業若要強大,科技發展必不可少,但「人」才是重中之中,公司該如何留住員工? 香港會計師公會為慶祝成立五十周年,舉辦了CPA 論壇並以《創發展康莊路:助力企業建未來》為主題,雲集近三十名來自海外、中國內地和本港的政商領袖及會計界精英擔任演講嘉賓,論壇吸引超過700名參加者分別透過線上及線下出席,成就商界矚目盛事。香港特別行政區政府財政司司長陳茂波先生、中國財政部會計司司長舒惠好先生及國際會計師聯合會主席(IFAC)Asmâa Resmouki 女士擔任主禮嘉賓並致開幕詞,聯同香港會計師公會會長方蘊萱女士,一同為此盛事揭開序幕。 當中《多元與包容:營造富有歸屬感和授權文化的企業》的小組討論環節由高奧士國際控股有限公司首席戰略官 Eric Ng 先生主持,聯同德鐵信可大中華區南區團隊人力資源及組織總監 Winnie Lai 女士、羅致恆富公司多元化、平等及共融董事 Melissa Lau 女士、香港社會創投基金創辦人兼行政總裁 Francis Ngai 先生、GROWDynamics Talent Development 創辦人及高級總監 Jannie Tam 女士及香港婦女基金會董事局副主席 Christine Tsang 女士 對主題作出深入討論,引起了與會者的深思,理解不斷轉變的職場以及建立理想機構文化以吸引及留住頂級人才的重要性。
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