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CPO ConneXion Event 2023

1 min read

The Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong (IPSHK) holds seminars from time to time, including the recently held CPO ConneXion Cocktail Party. KOS is honoured to be the main sponsor of the event and take part in enhancing the communication and interaction among different parties in the industry to create more synergies and new opportunities. ​KOS Senior Manager, Jason Li and Chief Strategy Officer, Eric Ng were invited to attend the Cocktail Party. Jason was also the guest speaker for the event, sharing his views on the topics below: 1) How has the job market transformed after epidemic; 2) New generation’s perception of the procurement industry and 3) Apart from salary, the things that candidates value the most when they seek for job opportunities. ​KOS 資深經理 Jason Li 及首席戰略官 Eric Ng 獲邀出席酒會並與其他公司代表交流心得及行情。而 Jason亦為演講嘉賓,為來賓們及同業們分享了: 1) 勞動市場於疫情前後的供求及變化 ; 2) 現今世代對採購行業的看法;及 3) 撇除薪金水平,潛在求職者更看重那些別的因素。 香港物資採購與供銷學會(IPSHK)不時為同業舉辦研討會,早前的CPO ConneXion酒會便為其中之一。KOS 很高興能成為該酒會的主贊助商,幫助推動業界之間的溝通及互動,達至促進業務交流並尋獲商機。