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CUHK MBA x KOS Industry & Market Insight Talk

1 min read

​Having a master’s degree in the workplace is certainly an advantage but graduates still need to equip the right mind and thinking in order to advance smoothly in their career. In view of this, Kate Lam, Associate Director, Career Management and Alumni Engagement (MBA Programmes) Chinese University Business School, held a talk for prospective master graduates and Rebecca Chan, Managing Director of KOS, was invited to attend as guest speaker. Rebecca shared the latest workplace requirements with the students and suggested the students to equip themselves well as early as possible – prepare not only their technical skills but also their minds.擁有一個碩士學位於職埸上固然有優勢,但同學們仍須擁有相應的觀念及思維模式方可於工作崗位上發展所長。有見及此,香港中文大學商學院 – 職業發展及校友事務(工商管理碩士課程)副主任Kate Lam 為準碩士畢業生舉辦了講座,而KOS董事總經理Rebecca Chan 獲邀出席並擔任演講嘉賓。Rebecca與同學們分享了最新的職場需求,並建議同學們趁早好好裝備自己,除了工作技能外,調整心態亦非常重要。​