Discovering Talent that Embodies Your Company’s Values
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Recently, KOS and CAL Talent Solutions jointly hosted an offline event in Guangzhou themed “Discovering Talent that Embodies Your Company’s Values for Mutual Success” CAL’s organisational psychologists, Ms. Sarach Chan and Ms. Karyn Law, along with HR industry experts, explored the core role of VALUES in talent recruitment.The Importance of ValuesExceptional talent requires ability, drive and endurance. A person’s drive primarily comes from their values, which not only influence individual work motivation but also play a crucial role in team cohesion and overall company performance. Values Assessment ToolsCAL’s values assessment tool (CVI) can help companies determine if a candidate’s values align with the company’s values during recruitment. Developed by a team of Chinese and international psychologists and professors, this tool leverages decades of experience and big data analysis to ensure its relevance in the Chinese talent market. It goes beyond personality traits to uncover deeper, stable factors that predict workplace behaviour and long-term performance.Expert InsightsDuring the event, Sarah and Karyn not only explained the core role of values but also shared insights on the work values of different generations. They guided us on how to use assessment results not only to optimise recruitment strategies, but also talent management strategies.Case Studies and ApplicationsThrough real-world case studies, Sarah and Karyn demonstrated the practical application of values matching in recruitment; how we can scientifically assess a candidate’s fit with the company using systematic values assessments. Attendees actively participated in discussions, engaging deeply with CAL’s expert team to explore how to achieve mutual success through value alignment.近日,KOS高奧士國際與CAL元惟聯合舉辦了一場深度互動的線下活動,主題為“如何找到與企業價值觀匹配的人才,實現人企共贏?”。來自CAL元惟的組織心理學家Sarah和Karyn與來自HR領域的行業精英們共同探討了價值觀在人才招聘中的核心地位。價值觀的重要性 卓越的人才需要同時擁有能力(Ability)、驅動力(Drive)、持續性(Endurance)。人才的驅動力主要來自於其價值觀。而價值觀不僅會影響個人的工作驅動力,還是構建團隊凝聚力和推動企業整體表現的重要因素。價值觀測評工具 元惟開發的價值觀測評工具可以幫助企業在招聘中判斷人才的價值觀是否與企業一致。這款工具由華人主導研發,結合了中外心理學家、名校教授團隊數十年的經驗,與華人大數據常模對比,確保了其在中國人才市場的適用性。它基於大數據反覆驗證,深入發掘底層超越性格的因素,穩定預測職場行為和長期表現。專家分享活動中, Sarah和Karyn不僅介紹了價值觀的核心作用,還分享了不同世代人才的工作價值觀傾向,指導我們如何利用測評結果來優化招聘策略。案例分析與互動討論 Sarah和Karyn通過實際案例,展示了價值觀匹配在招聘中的實際應用。來賓們也積極參與討論,與元惟的專家團隊深入交流,共同探索如何通過價值觀判斷實現人企共贏。共同成長通過這次活動,我們更加確信,找到與企業價值觀匹配的人才,是實現企業和人才共同成長、共創價值的基石。
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