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Gathering – A TOAST for KOS

1 min read

​We just held a HR event “A TOAST for KOS” with HR professionals in KOS office with wine, snacks and lucky draws.我們剛於KOS辦公室與HR業界人士舉辦了 “A TOAST for KOS” 交流活動並準備了美酒小食及抽獎活動。The guests shared with KOSers the latest ecology of HR in different industries and the various challenges they are facing and how we can work closer together. We look forward to gathering again soon!當晚來賓與KOSers分享了現時HR於不同行業的最新生態及面臨的各種挑戰,並洽談各樣的合作機會。期待不久的將來再有機會聚頭!​​