Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Talent Conference
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Accounting professionals should be very familiar with ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), but in addition to obtaining the ACCA qualification, how should graduates equip themselves to meet the needs and expectations of their employers? Hong Kong Shenzhen Professionals Association Limited held a seminar for ACCA students in Center of Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in Futian District, Shenzhen and invited Prof. Dr. Sir Benson Chang, Founder and Group Managing Director of Lion Consulting Group, Mr. Book Wu, Manager of Golden Education, Mr. Albert Cheung, Adjunct Professor of City University of Hong Kong and Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS International Holdings Limited as guest speakers to share their professional views and advice on accounting and financial aspects for below topics: 1. Hong Kong Talent Program; 2. Differences between Mainland China and Hong Kong regarding the Accounting Profession; 3. The future financial development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; 4. The importance of financial professionals; 5. Current manpower demand in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; 6. The future of financial professionals and 7. How should the new generation adapt to the development of the industry and meet the needs of enterprises by enhancing their own competitiveness. 會計界對ACCA (特許公認會計師公會) 一定不會感到陌生,但究竟一衆準畢業生除了考獲ACCA 資格之外,還應如何裝備自己以應付職場需要? 香港深圳專業界别協會早前於深圳福田區港澳台青年創新創業基地為ACCA學員舉辦了講座,協會更邀得名策集團創辦人及董事長張新彬博士、高頓教育經理吳書城先生、香港城市大學特約教授張展豪先生及KOS高奥士國際控股有限公司首席戰略官吳國傑先生為演講嘉賓,以不同角度為學員分享對以下有關會計及財經界題目的專業意見,包括: 1. 香港人才計劃; 2. 在會計專業中,香港與內地之間的差異; 3. 粵港澳大灣區未來財經發展趨勢; 4. 財經人才在行業中的重要作用; 5. 當下粵港澳大灣區人才需求; 6. 財經人才的未來 及 7. 當代年輕人應如何順應行業發展,配合企業需求並打造自身競爭力 After the conference, there was a group discussion session hosted by the 4 guest speakers for the students where a lot of inspiring discussions took place. We believe that all the participants should have better preparation and self-planning before they start their career. 講座結束後,協會更安排4位嘉賓分別帶領學員以小組形式參與討論,席間不乏虛心聆聽,理性交流的畫面。望一衆學員於踏入職場時能有更充足的準備和自我規劃。
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