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HKICPA: Career Insight Series

1 min read

​It’s time to enhance your professional profile and boost your chances of success in the job market! A well-crafted CV is crucial when it comes to making a positive first impression with potential employers. Thus, Alec Yeung, Senior Manager of KOS hosted a sharing session for young members from The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). With years of experience under Alec’s belt, he recently shared his invaluable skill set with members, including: – Do the research on the company and new post, emphasise related part in past experience – Find out your unique selling proposition – Tailor made your CV – Dress properly – Body Language is important (including smile, eye contact, handshake, sitting position) – Arrive 5 – 10 minutes earlier for interview preparation- Do research in advance – Keep self-introduction short and clear – Prepare answers for typical questions – Ask smart questions at the end We believe that the tips and skills shared by Alec provided useful insights to the HKICPA young members to better prepare their CV writing and interview in advance. ​尋找新工作機會時,該如何提升你的專業形象並於就業市場取得更多機會? 令人印象深刻的履歷是關鍵的第一部分。因此,KOS高級經理Alec Yeung為香港會計師公會(HKICPA)的年輕會員舉辦了一場分享會。 憑藉 Alec 於人力資源市場多年的經驗,他最近與會員們分享了他的建議,包括:什麼是令人印象深刻的履歷?- 對心儀公司及其職位進行資料蒐集,於工作經驗部分強調適合新職位要求的部分 – 明確寫出相關專業資格 – 內容應包括你的個人經驗及專長面試技巧應注意哪些重要事項: – 衣着得體整潔 – 留意肢體語言(包括微笑、眼神接觸、握手力度、坐姿) – 可預早5-10分鐘到公司,預備面試 – 提前做好研究,包括有關新職位的最新消息 – 自我介紹,以精簡為佳 – 預早準備典型問題的答案 – 面試尾段,問一些相關的問題 Alec於會中分享的建議和技巧非常實用,希望HKICPA的年輕會員於撰寫履歷及準備面試時有更充分的準備。