HKIHRM Annual Conference & Exhibition 2022
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What will be the future of human resources management? Rebecca Chan, Managing Director of KOS, shared her views at the conference that traditional management methods will soon be phased out and replaced by a new norm where employee voices are to be heard and taken seriously. This will create a good working atmosphere and provide employees with a sense of belonging. As the management of a listed human resources service group, Rebecca also pointed out that Generation Z, as a new workforce in the workplace, emphasises on work-life balance and prefers to have genuine interaction with colleagues or partners rather than textbook theories. The mindset of this new generation is going to bring significant impact on the future human resource management ecosystem. Rebecca has also discussed with Anthony Wong, Managing Consultant of SIMCO Solutions Limited in the online webinar held by HKIHRM about how HR professionals should rethink the development of their organizations in such challenging and rapidly changing environment strategically.人力資源管理未來的發展會如何? KOS董事總經理Rebecca Chan於研討會上提及傳統的管理方式將被逐漸淘汰,取而代之的工作環境為上司和下屬「有商有量」,締造良好的工作氛圍,令員工更有歸屬感。 作為一家人力資源服務上市集團的管理層,Rebecca亦道出Z新世代作為職場世界生力軍,他們較著重工作及生活平衡,比起紙上談兵,更偏向與同事或合作夥伴有實際互動交流,他們的取向將更直接影響未來的人力資源管理生態圈。 Rebecca 亦與安浩顧問有限公司管理顧問 Anthony Wong 於HKIHRM的線上研討會中提及,人力資源專業人員於當前充滿挑戰性及快速變化環境中,他們應重新思考如何具戰略性地促進組織的發展。
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