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HKU Career AIgnition Day

1 min read

​ The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Career AIgnition DayHKU organized a ” Career AIgnition Day” Workshop for their students. Both Ms. Rebecca Chan, Managing Director of KOS International and Ms. Kiwi Siu, Hong Kong & Macau Campus Recruitment Leader of Ernst & Young were invited as guest speakers and Ms. Kate Lam, Director of Careers and Placement of HKU was the moderator of the Workshop. They shared insights on how HR professionals can leverage A.I. in the hiring process and its restrictions. A.I. can help recruiter:- Speed up CV screening- Automate quiz marking- Evaluate overall performances of candidatesA.I. can’t fulfill effectively now:- Interact lively with candidates – Tailor questions based on answers- Analyse the communication skills of candidatesThank you HKU for having us. Let’s continue to collaborate and empower students with new knowledge. ​​香港大學為學生們舉辦了「HKU Career AIgnition Day 」工作坊,Rebecca Chan 和 Kiwi Siu 獲邀為演講嘉賓,而 Kate Lam 則擔任主持。她們分享了如何運用A.I.改善招聘流程以及討論其限制。衷心感謝香港大學的邀請! 讓我們繼續合作,為學生提供新知識。A.I.可以幫助僱主:- 加快履歷篩選速度- 將小測試評分自動化- 評價求職者的整體表現A.I.未能有效實現:- 與求職者真切互動- 根據求職者的答案提問- 分析求職者的溝通技巧衷心感謝香港大學的邀請!讓我們繼續合作,為學生提供新知識。