Jackson Chan 榮獲粵港澳大灣區傑出青年企業家(最佳商業服務獎)
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We’re thrilled to announce that Mr. Jackson Chan, our Co-Founder and Executive Director at KOS International, has been honored with the Outstanding Youth Entrepreneur (Best Business Services Award) in the Greater Bay Area! This recognition not only celebrates Jackson’s incredible leadership but also reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence and growth.
Founded in 2009 in Hong Kong SAR, KOS has steadily expanded its presence across the Greater Bay Area, with offices in key locations such as Macau SAR, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Singapore. This achievement highlights not only our success but also our dedication to contributing to the region’s development.
Echoing this sentiment, Chief Executive Mr. John Lee emphasised Hong Kong’s pivotal role as a core city in the GBA, creating new opportunities, particularly for the youth. Mr. Liu Guangyuan, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, also underscored the importance of deepening cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong SAR, and Macau SAR. Additionally, Macau’s Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr. Lei Wai Nong, pointed out the GBA’s growing significance for investors.
At KOS, we are committed to driving the GBA’s progress by facilitating the flow of talent across the region and delivering top-tier HR solutions. Our approach centres on understanding the unique needs of our clients and candidates, forging strong partnerships, and creating exceptional value through strategic growth. With a robust foundation and an extensive network in the GBA, we’re not just expanding—we’re helping the region thrive alongside us.
8月27日,第五屆粵港澳大灣區傑出青年企業家頒獎典禮在香港特區、澳門特區兩地同步舉行。KOS高奧士國際聯合創辦人兼執行董事陳家成先生( Jackson Chan)榮獲粵港澳大灣區傑出青年企業家(最佳商業服務獎)。這份榮譽不僅彰顯了Jackson的卓越領導力,也反映了KOS一直以來對優質服務的不懈追求。
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