KOS in HZMB conference
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The opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB) has not only brought convenience to citizens, but also built an economic bridge connecting the three cities. The People’s Government of Zhuhai recently held an investment promotion conference at the Asia-Pacific Exhibition Center to showcase the new economic and trade corridor, inviting Vegas Liu, the Corporate Strategy & Development Manager at KOS and other industry leaders to participate.Key topics discussed at the conference included:1. Investment promotion for Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Yangjiang, Zhanjiang, and Maoming2. Opportunities in cross-border logistics and e-commerce3. Promotional videos showcasing Zhuhai’s tourism and cuisine4. Sharing opportunities in the MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) industryKOS will continue to actively participate in various industry events and work closely with corporate entities, including government agencies, to maintain market sensitivity while also aiming to achieve a win-win outcome . This conference provided us with updated and comprehensive information on Zhuhai’s economic development and opportunities. Through exchanges with the attendees, Vegas also gained insights into the latest industry trends, which will greatly benefit KOS’s expansion plans. 港珠澳大橋開通,不但為市民帶來方便,更為三地的經濟發展搭起橋樑。珠海市人民政府於亞博館舉行「共建港珠澳大橋經貿新通道,助力粵港澳協同發展招商推介大會」,並邀請了KOS 策略及發展部經理 Vegas Liu 及其他來自各個行業的管理層參與,主題包括:1. 中山、江門、陽江、湛江、茂名招商推介2. 跨境物流及電商機遇分享3. 珠海文旅美食宣傳片4. 文旅會展機遇分享 KOS將繼續積極參與不同行業的活動, 以及和包括政府在內的企業單位緊密合作,維持對市場的敏感度之餘亦希望達至共贏效果。而是次大會讓我們對珠海市的經濟發展及機遇有更新更全面的資訊,Vegas亦透過與在場人士交流而得悉各行業的動向,對KOS擴展計畫有莫大裨益。
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