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KOS – Internal Training

1 min read

Employee resume creates an important first impression for employers. Jessky Lee, KOS Director, and Xavier Tam, KOS Manager, organized an internal training for new KOSers about resume interpretation and how to match relevant work experience / strengths with employers’ requirements. KOSers participated actively in group discussion and learnt a lot from the training. 一份履歷是僱主對僱員的第一印象﹐KOS總監Jessky Lee及經理Xavier Tam為新入職KOS員工舉辦了一個內部培訓,包括如何解讀履歷、當中列出的相關工作經驗及其強項該如何與僱主的要求吻合。員工亦積極參與小組討論,加深對培訓內容的理解。