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KOS : Internal Training

1 min read

​As a recruitment consultant, how should we provide high-quality services to our clients? Louisa Yeung, Chief Executive Officer of KOS, Christina Lau, Associate Director of KOS and Alec Yeung, Senior Manager of KOS provided related training for KOSers, including:1. Definition of high-quality services;2. Understand the needs of our clients; and3. Provision of value-adding services, such as updates of market trend.KOSers actively participated in discussions which helped them get a good understanding of the training content. We are hence able to effectively provide professional and high-quality services to our clients.作為獵頭公司的顧問該如何提供高質素服務予客戶?KOS行政總裁 Louisa Yeung,副總監Christina Lau 及高級經理Alec Yeung 為同事們提供了相關培訓,內容包括:1. 何謂高質素服務;2. 易地而處,全面考量客戶的真正需求;及3. 除了招聘服務外,KOS可額外為客戶提供的專業服務,如分析瞬息萬變的招聘市場走勢同事們於培訓過程中勇躍參與討論,透過互相交流而加深其對培訓內容的印象及實踐方向。每位同事亦因而能有效地提供專業及高質素的服務予我們的客戶。​