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KOS : Sharing with University Students

1 min read

​As the management of a HR service group listed on HKEx, Winnie Tam, Head of People and Culture of KOS, hosted an online sharing session for the students of three local Universities, including Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University. Winnie has shared with the students below:1) In addition to being a platform for expanding network and finding jobs, LinkedIn can also be a great tool for personal brand building;2) Gain advantages in the workplace from the skills and lessons learnt from extracurricular activities; and3) Prepare an impressive self-introduction.Winnie has also prepared numerous examples to better demonstrate how to apply the above effectively. We look forward to seeing the students get well prepared and have a great job-hunting journey ahead.早前KOS 人才及文化總監 Winnie Tam 以人力資源上市公司管理層身份為三間本地大學的大學生舉辦了線上分享活動 (香港浸會大學、香港城市大學及嶺南大學)。Winnie 為同學們分享了:1)LinkedIn除了作為擴大圈子及尋找工作的平台外,更可為自己打造一個專屬品牌;2)透過參與校內/外活動的得著於職場上獲取優勢;及3)準備一個令人印象深刻的自我介紹。Winnie 除了解釋上述3點的重要性,更為同學們準備了不少實例以加強其印象及記憶,希望同學們能好好預備並於求職過程中更順利。​