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KOS Sports Hour – Casual Boxing Training

1 min read

​KOS is committed to creating a healthy and energetic working environment for our employees and encouraging them to exercise more. For this reason, KOS participated in the “SportsHour Company Scheme” organized by InspiringHK Sports Foundation. We held a SportsHour event in our office and invited trainers from Verano Boxing Club through InspringHK – Jake Verano, Coach of Rex Tso and Raymond Poon, Hong Kong Professional Boxer and Coach, to introduce and demonstrate boxing skills to KOSers.KOS 致力為員工打造一個健康有活力的工作環境並鼓勵同事們多做運動。為此KOS參與了凝動香港體育基金主辦的 “企業「一」起動嘉許計劃”。活動當日我們透過凝動邀請到 Verano Boxing Club – 曹星如教練 Jake Verano 及現役香港職業拳擊運動員兼教練 Raymond Poon 潘啟情 到KOS辦公室為同事們簡介拳擊運動並作出示範,同事們無不樂在其中。​Jake taught us some basic boxing moves while Raymond led the physical training session. Raymond also shared his journey as a full-time boxer. “Temporary setbacks don’t mean the end, just go with the flow and you’ll always find ways to cope with pressure. Believe in yourself!” Surprisingly Raymond’s final preparation before the entering the ring is meditation which gets him mentally ready for any tough fights.Jake 即場教導我們一些拳擊的基本動作,而Raymond則負責帶領我們一起做體能訓練並分享了他作為全職拳手的心路歷程「一時的挫敗不代表完結,go with the flow,面對壓力時找方法應對及要相信自己是可以的!」原來他比賽前的最後準備竟然是冥想,皆因良好的心理質素於比賽中非常重要。Raymond’s sharing as an athlete has benefited us a lot, inspiring us how to adapt to adversity in the workplace. We believe KOSers can develop a healthy mind and body through sports and overcome every challenge!Raymond 作為運動員的分享令我們獲益良多,了解到於職場上面對逆境時該如何調節自己的心態再出發,希望 KOSers 可以保持運動的習慣及良好的心態,以最佳狀態去迎接每一個挑戰!​​​