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KOS – The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Scholarship

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We are thrilled to share some incredible news with you! Ms. Athena Lung and Ms. Toby Mok, outstanding Bachelor Students of Business Administration (Honours) in Human Resource Management from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, have been awarded the prestigious “KOS International Whole Person Development Scholarship for BBA-HRM Student 2023/24”. Their remarkable achievement has granted them the opportunity to visit our KOS office. It was an absolute honor to have them here! Mr. Eddie Chan and Mr. Jackson Chan, Founders and Executive Directors, along with Ms. Rebecca Chan, Managing Director, Ms. Winnie Tam, Head of People and Culture, and Ms. Kobe Lo, Manager from KOS, shared their invaluable experiences and insights with Athena and Toby, highlights including:1. Embrace Mistakes: Fearlessly embrace the power of mistakes, as they serve as stepping stones for personal growth and development2. Learn from All Experiences: Every task, no matter how mundane, has the potential to impart valuable lessons. Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow3. Never Stop Learning: Continuously seek knowledge and acquire new skills, as learning is an endless journey4. Harnessing New Technology: A.I. can assist in daily operations, saving time and reducing human errorsGoal Setting: Setting ambitious yet achievable short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals is key to personal and professional success. Stay focused and determinedWith great enthusiasm, we extend our warmest wishes to Athena and Toby for a future filled with endless possibilities and remarkable achievements! 我們非常榮幸地宣布,香港恆生大學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程人力資源管理的Athena Lung女士和 Toby Mok女士,榮獲「高奧士國際人力資源管理全人發展獎學金2023/24」的殊榮。他們獲邀到訪KOS辦公室,而KOS的創辦人兼執行董事Eddie Chan先生和Jackson Chan先生,董事總經理 Rebecca Chan女士、人才及文化總監 Winnie Tam女士,以及經理Kobe Lo女士,亦跟她們分享了寶貴的經驗和見解。重點包括:1. 勇於犯錯:不要害怕犯錯,因為錯誤提供了成長和學習的寶貴機會2. 從各種經驗中學習:保持開放的心態,擁抱每一個學習機會3. 永不停止學習:應不斷追求新知識和技能,因為學習是一輩子的旅程4. 善用新科技:人工智能技術可協助日常營運,省卻時間及減少人為錯誤5. 制定目標:定立短、中長期的目標對於個人和職業發展至關重要KOS衷心祝願同學們前程似錦,未來充滿光明和成功!​