KOS x Chongqing University
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KOS x Chongqing UniversityThe academic leaders from Chongqing University engaged in a meaningful exchange with Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer, and Mr. Vegas Liu, Corporate Strategy & Development Manager of KOS, and discussed the following key topics:- Facilitating Exchange and Development of Human Resources between Hong Kong and Chongqing: Both parties presented concrete ideas and plans on strengthening collaboration and communication between the two regions, aiming to foster interaction and development through human resources exchange, in areas such as education, technology, and culture.- Exploring Employment Prospects for students in both Regions: Through in-depth discussions, we explored the post-graduation employment prospects for students from both regions and discussed ways to provide them with more career development opportunities and support.- Potential for Student Interaction and Learning Exchange between the two Regions: Discussions centered on promoting interaction and exchange between students from Hong Kong and Chongqing to broaden their horizons, enhance mutual understanding, and facilitate learning.This exchange laid a solid foundation for establishing closer university-industry collaboration. We look forward to collaborating to provide more development opportunities and valuable experiences for students from both regions. KOS x 重慶大學重慶大學的校領導來到KOS的香港辦公室與我們進行交流,活動當天KOS首席戰略官Eric Ng先生和企業戰略與發展經理Vegas Liu先生跟來賓為探討以下重要議題展開討論:- 促進香港和重慶的人力資源交流與發展:雙方就如何加強兩地間的合作與交流提出了具體的想法和計劃,旨在促進兩地透過人力資源的交流在教育、科技和文化等領域的互動與發展。- 探討學生的就業前景:我們討論了兩地學生於畢業後的就業情況兼如何為學生提供更多的職業發展機會和支持。- 兩地學生互動交流學習的機會:討論了如何促進香港和重慶學生之間的交流,以擴大他們的視野並增進彼此的理解和學習。這次交流活動為建立緊密的校企合作關係奠定了堅實基礎,我們期待為兩地的學生帶來更多的發展機遇和寶貴經驗。
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