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KOS x “Demand of Talents in the Greater Bay Area” Seminar

1 min read

KOS International Limited participated in a seminar “Development of Greater Bay Area and Comprehensive Talent Cultivation” together with Futian District Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Bureau(福田區台港澳事務局) and Shenzhen Institute of Certified Public Accountants (深圳市註冊會計師協會).The economic development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) has driven up the demand for international talents, especially in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. This seminar discussed the talent policies recently launched, shared and explored the latest trends in talent development, training program on talent management, and built a bridge between enterprises and talents.Mr. Eric Ng , Chief Strategy Officer of KOS and Mr. Vegas Liu, Corporate Strategy & Development Manager of KOS shared their insights on topics below: – Reasons of the rise in International Talent demand in GBA- Features of International Talents- Policies for attracting Talents to Hong Kong- Sharing of Top Talents (高才通) KOS remains committed to fostering collaboration and contributing to the growth of talent in Hong Kong.KOS參與 「大灣區高質量發展與國際覆合人才培養研討會」!大灣區經濟發展對人才的需求越趨國際化,深港兩地的需求更為旺盛。這次研討會以兩地政府近期推出的人才政策等進行討論和交流,分享和探討人才發展的最新趨勢,提供人才管理的教育和培訓,建立企業和人才之間的橋梁。KOS首席戰略官 Eric Ng先生和企業戰略與發展經理Vegas Liu先生獲邀出席研討會,並就以下議題與在座嘉賓分享:- 大灣區國際覆合型人才的需求- 國際覆合型人才的特徵- 香港針對人才引進的現有措施- 高才通候選人的經驗KOS將繼續致力為香港人才發展作出貢獻。​​