KOS x Gary Lo Workshop
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【KOS x Gary Lo Workshop】Gary Lo and KOS co-hosted a thought-provoking workshop on the theme of “Finding your Passion and Meaning at Work.” Participants delved into the following key topics:- Passion in Daily Life: Through self-exploration, participants discovered and understood their true passions and interests in their daily lives.- Goals from Activities: By diving deep into reflection, participants began setting their goals and achievements they expect to attain from these passionate activities.- Applying Passion to Career: During the workshop, Gary Lo shared insights and methods on how to integrate those goals into one’s career.This workshop provided each participant with a valuable learning opportunity, aiming to inspire him/her to find the most suitable career path.Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer of KOS presented our Professional HR Solutions to the attendees and shared insights into current market trends. Gary Lo 與 KOS 合辦了一場主題為“尋找工作的熱誠及意義”工作坊。Gary 與出席人士探討了以下關鍵主題:- 日常生活中的熱誠:透過自我探索,參與者發現並了解自己在日常生活中的真正熱衷的是什麼。- 活動中得到的期望目標:通過深入思考,參加者開始設定他們從這些活動中所期望達到的目標。- 如何將期望目標應用於職業生涯:Gary 分享了如何將目標與工作相結合的見解和方法。是次工作坊為每位參加者提供了一個寶貴的學習機會,希望能啟發他們找到最適合自己的工作路徑。KOS首席戰略官 Eric Ng 先生更向在場人士介紹了我們專業的人力資源解決方案,並與他們分享了一些市場趨勢。
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