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KOS創辦人兼執行董事Eddie Chan及Jackson Chan,以及首席戰略官Eric Ng 獲邀出席由香港總商會主辦的「中國委員會交流酒會」 。這是一個寶貴的機會,讓我們與商會領導、中港兩地的官員及內地20多個省市的代表會面並分享最新的人才市場趨勢。建立強大的夥伴關係一直是KOS的重心。這次的邀請讓我們能與不同畀別代表交流知識、探索機遇,攜手共同進步。KOS’s Founders and Executive Directors, Mr. Eddie Chan and Mr. Jackson Chan, together with Chief Strategy Officer, Mr. Eric Ng, were invited to the “China Committee Cocktail Reception” hosted by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) China Committee.This was a valuable opportunity to connect with senior leaders from the business community, government officials from Hong Kong and Mainland China, and representatives from over 20 provinces and cities across the country. Our team shared insights on the latest talent market trends, forging meaningful dialogues and relationships.Fostering strong partnerships is core to our KOS Spirit. It is always great to exchange knowledge, explore opportunities, and thrive together.
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