KOS x HKIHRM【Chillchat and Learn Series】
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KOS and HKIHRM co-hosted an event focused on “Balancing Employer and Employee Needs in Talent Management,” Mr. Eric Ng, Chief Strategy Officer, and Ms. Rebecca Chan, Managing Director of KOS International Limited, were invited as guest speakers. They shared valuable insights with over 30 guests on the following topics:- Employer Market vs Employee Market- Understanding Employee Expectations and Mindset- Case Sharing: How can Employers attract and retain top talentsIt was great to meet and chat with HKIHRM members during our networking session. Looking forward to more collaborations with HKIHRM in the near future!KOS x HKIHRM 合辦了一場分享會,主題為“如何在僱主和員工需求之間取得平衡”。KOS首席戰略官Eric Ng和董事總經理Rebecca Chan獲邀擔任演講嘉賓,為30多位來賓就以下主題分享了專業見解:- 剖析僱主及僱員的巿場需求 – 了解員工的期望和心態- 案例分享:僱主如何吸引和留住頂尖人才
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