【KOS x 全球人才高峰會】
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【KOS x Global Talent Summit】It was an incredible experience participating at the Global Talent Summit. We had the privilege of engaging with a diverse range of prospective talents eager to contribute their skills and expertise to the thriving business landscape of Hong Kong. We had meaningful conversations and exchanged insights that we believe will be instrumental in shaping the future of the talent market in Hong Kong.Moreover, our Vegas Liu, Corporate Strategy & Development Manager was pleased to be invited by Hong Kong Talent Engage to give a sharing on his career transition and relocation journey to HK at a young age.In addition to that, we also grasped opportunities to share ideas, best practices, and innovative approaches with other exhibitors to foster a collaborative environment that fuels growth and advancement.At KOS International, our commitment to attracting high quality talents to employers remains steadfast. We are also dedicated to providing unparalleled support to talents new to Hong Kong, to help ensure their success within this dynamic city.Cheers to a future filled with boundless opportunities and exceptional talents in Hong Kong! 【KOS x 全球人才高峰會】KOS International 很榮幸能參與全球人才高峰會,與渴望為香港蓬勃發展的商業環境貢獻技能和專業知識的未來人才交流。我們相信這些豐富的對話及見解,將有助塑造香港人才市場的未來。此外,企業戰略及發展經理Vegas Liu很高興受到香港人才服務辦公室的邀請,分享他作為年輕人才移居香港並在職業上轉型和的旅程。除此之外,我們還與其他參展商分享想法、最佳實踐案例和創新方法,以創造促進成長和進步的協作環境。KOS International 始終堅定不移地為僱主吸引高質素人才。我們也致力為新來香港的人才積極地提供支持,助他們在香港這個充滿活力的城市發光發亮。為香港的無限機會和傑出人才乾杯!
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