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Love Our Life – LOL Party @ West Kowloon Cultural District

1 min read

​Say “NO” to Drugs is not only a slogan. Hong Kong Youth Development Alliance (YDAHK) sponsored the “Love Our Life – LOL Party” held by the Leadership Institute on Narcotics (L.I.O.N.) in the West Kowloon Cultural District for 2 days. Eddie Chan and Jackson Chan, Founders and Executive Directors of KOS, attended this meaningful event to spread the message to teenagers. Eddie and Jackson hope that teenagers would know the harm of drugs, stay away from drugs and be responsible for their own lives.向毒品說「不」並非只是口號,香港青年發展聯盟(YDAHK)早前便贊助「禁毒領袖學院」於西九文化區舉辦 一連2日的Love Our Life – LOL Party。KOS創始人及執行董事Jackson Chan及Eddie Chan 當日親身到場支持及為其任顧問導師的學校攤位打氣,希望年輕人更了解毒品的禍害,不受其誘惑,為自己的生命負責。