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New Move in – KOS Staffing Team

1 min read

​Congratulations to KOS Staffing Team! Our Staffing Team has moved to a new office, getting ready for upcoming business growth! Please reach out to us for services below:- Part time and long term contract hiring – From front line retail to office positions – Employment contract and payroll handling – Human Resources services outsourcing ​​恭喜賀喜KOS Staffing Team 人強馬壯,而且仲搬埋去新Office添!希望Staffing Team 業務蒸蒸日上,生意興隆。賣吓廣告先,我哋支援嘅服務如下: – 兼職或長期合約招聘服務 – 招聘範圍由前線零售到各種辦公室職位 – 處理僱傭合約及薪酬計算 – 人力資源服務外判