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The WEMP Annual Charity Gala

2 mins read

​WEMP Foundation (WEMP) held an Annual Charity Gala at Grand Hyatt , the event kick-off by the welcome remarks from Mr. John KC Lee, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, Chief Executive of the HKSAR and Dr. Adrian Cheng Chi-Kong, SBS, JP, Founder, The WEMP Foundation.The evening includes a cocktail reception and charity auction. All funds raised at the dinner will go directly towards transforming lives of those affected by mental health issues.KOS International Limited as the Collaborator Table Donors and KOS Recruitment and KOS Staffing Team participated the dinner to show our support to WEMP , we will work together to promote mental health for children. Let’s do more for the society! About WEMPThe WEMP Foundation was established as a result of Dr. Adrian Cheng’s vision to promote mental health for children. The success of WEMP relies on partnerships at different levels, and is built upon a shared vision to create a world with compassion and love.WEMP believes that all children should enjoy mental health, and that their good mental health, or the lack of it, depends on parenting and schooling. WEMP will be the INTEGRATED POWERHOUSE to connect and empower children, parents and schools, co-creating positive environments that support the flourishing of children and their families.The WEMP Foundation 愛望基金 早前於香港君悅酒店舉辦了年度慈善晚宴並由香港特別行政區行政長官李家超先生,大紫荊勳賢, SBS, PDSM, PMSM及 WEMP 愛望基金創始人鄭志剛博士,SBS, JP 致辭後正式開始。當晚活動除了歡迎酒會外,亦有慈善拍賣活動。於晚宴中籌到的善款收益將直接用作支援受精神健康問題影響的孩子及其家庭,改善及促進他們的精神健康。KOS Recruitment 及 KOS Staffing 團隊則代表 KOS International Limited 以協作夥伴贊助身份出席活動,我們將繼續與WEMP並肩而行,令各屆關注兒童的精神健康。讓我們攜手為社會作出貢獻,建造更美好城市。關於WEMP 愛望基金WEMP 愛望基金是源自鄭志剛博士致力促進兒童精神健康的願景而創立。WEMP 愛望基金深信所有兒童均應享有精神健康,父母的培育和學校的教育對於兒童精神健康尤其重要。WEMP 愛望基金透過凝聚跨界別專家攜手建立一個連繫兒童、家⾧、學校和社區的全方位協作平台,在家庭和學校推廣正向教育理念及促進兒童精神健康。​