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We are ONE KOS

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​After a long period of anticipation and waiting, KOSers from Hong Kong and Mainland China can finally gather together at our monthly meeting held in Shenzhen. Due to the epidemic situation, a lot of colleagues in Mainland Chian were meeting our Hong Kong team for the first time. Everyone felt excited about being able to meet each other in person. KOS Founder and Executive Director, Jackson Chan, shared with all KOSers the corporate growth journey of KOS, allowing KOSers to have a deeper understanding of KOS’ past developments and unforgettable moments. Jackson also shared the ups and downs along the path of founding and growing KOS. He regards all colleagues as a family and understands the importance of each role and position. Every KOSer is an indispensable part for the development of KOS.經過了漫長的期盼和等待,香港和內地   KOSers 終於可以聚首一堂,我們今次將每月例會移師到深圳舉辦。由於疫情關係,內地有不少同事都是首次跟香港同事踫面,大家對於可以面對面交流都感到興奮。KOS創始人及執行董事Jackson Chan為全體   KOSers 準備了公司由成立到發展成現有過百人公司的經歷片段,讓同事們深入了解到KOS過去的發展步伐和難忘點滴。Jackson更分享了他們當初4人創辦KOS 的心路歷程及高低起跌,他視全體同事為一家人亦深刻明白到每個崗位的重要性,每位同事都是KOS發展中不可或缺的一部分。​Team leaders also took this opportunity to introduce their team members and share business results with other KOSers. KOS has always believed in close communication and cooperation across teams and departments – everyone in the Group should have a clear understanding of the operations of different departments in different regions in order to enhance synergy among teams.各部門主管亦籍此機會介紹其部門員工及分享業務資訊予其他KOSers,公司一直堅持跨團隊、跨部門緊密溝通合作,好讓大家更清晰了解各地區不同部門的運作,好好擬定合作方向。​We also had lunch and dinner together, such that colleagues from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou were able to know each other better. In the future, KOSers will continue to work closely together to reflect the true spirit of ONE KOS.當日我們更一起共進午餐同晚餐,港深廣同事得以互相交流及加深認識。將來 KOS 將會繼續緊密合作,體現 ONE KOS精神,期望公司業務蒸蒸日上!​​​​